Thursday, December 7, 2017

2. Canvas Landscape

This project was for sure a step up from the first Dreamweaver assignment. This became very challenging with all of the numbers involved because of the coordinates needed to place items in a certain position. I wanted to go for a basic house landscape because I had prior knowledge on how to make some of these shapes so the assignment came a little easier to me. I did enjoy creating the sky an being creative with it by using the color gradient. I really came to learn that Dreamweaver is no joke and when learning about it you need to pay attention or you will suffer.

4. Calligram

This was the most tedious project I have ever done in school. I can't begin to tell you the moments of frustration and doubt that kept building up. However, This came out to be one of the most rewarding projects I have had to do as well. I found it very interesting as the portrait began to come together, how all of these little words were able to form my face again. I found the most difficult parts to be the colorization of the photo using the eye dropper tool and the hair once again. It took a lot of patience to recreate my hair but in the end I would up using the letter and it came out great.

1. Canvas Exercise

Dreamweaver was the most complex system we used all semester in my opinion. I found while using Dreamweaver note taking was the most crucial part of the creative process in helping me get through it. Taking notes on the basic inputs I would have to use and using the examples shown in class really helped me get through this program. I thought that this first exercise was a good introduction to the basic functions on Dreamweaver.

5. Self Portrait

This project was up there with being one of the most time consuming things I did all semester. In the end though wound up being one of the most rewarding! The goal was to take a self portrait of yourself and recreate it with the paint brush tool and make it look as realistic as possible. As the process goes on we needed to create a background and paint over the original picture. Having long hair made this more challenging especially trying to get the right color. It opened my eyes to what the illustrator program is really capable of.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

3. Logos and Characters

I found Adobe Illustrator very user friendly and I picked up on quickly. This project became very enjoyable once the process got going. It was very challenging to recreate the original image to make it appear sharper by taking out the pixels involved when you zoom in. I found my tie to be used more efficiently when I broke the image down piece by piece starting from the top and working my way down. I definitely found the eyes to be hardest part as there were a lot of overlapping parts.

8. Living Landscape

I had a lot of fun with our final project for the semester and final project in Photoshop. Creating a landscape out of human body parts both internal and external is a very interesting concept and really forces you to use your imagination. I knew from the start I wanted to create a landscape with water and a beach. My mind immediately took me back home where there is a long rocky dock leading out to the water and I knew I wanted to try and recreate that. So my attempt at it with teeth came out pretty well in my opinion. The use of layers was the biggest challenge I faced during this assignment as it was a lot of information to process at once but that is why you ask questions.

6. Cut and Paste

The Cut and Paste project was our first one on Photoshop so it served as a good introduction to the program. The entire page needed to be filled with living organisms all somehow related. I chose to take the approach of animals instead of people because I wanted to challenge myself a bit more with the different surfaces involved with animals. As I began to run out of animals I wanted to crop I began using what they eat like leaves. This helped me cut out any blank space left open and complete the assignment. 

7. Colorization

The process of turning this black and white photo into color was difficult because it was completely up to my imagination to decide how this picture should look. It seems as thought this was taken some years ago, so part of the challenge included thinking and researching what kind or clothing people wore then and what kind of colors to use. The goal was to make the picture pop and stand out giving it character, keeping that in ind this project was a big challenge on the imagination.